- Commodityexpert - is a primary information service for
the global coffee market providing market reports, news, statistical
and technical analysis, opening calls, prices, a coffee calendar
and a powerful search engine.
- Case Shiller Weiss, Inc. - is an economics research firm with
a specialty in real estate. They produce price indexes for single
family homes by zip code or county and by price tier for most
of the United States. The web site is very useful for obtaining
values of individual homes using the firm's CASA valuation service.
Enter a single-family-home address, and you will be given an
estimated value of the property in about a minute. The value
comes from information in the firm's database and an econometric
- IFC -
IFC's Emerging Markets Data Base (EMDB) is the world's leading
source for information and indexes on stock markets in developing
- Bermuda Insurance - The only online independent firm of management
consultants in the financial service industries of Bermuda.
- Global Penny Stocks
Trading Membership - "Know today the market turns of
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market reversals via our weekly report. Trading topics discussed on
our members daily forum."