Technical Studies |
- Books: Technical (Analysis) (Indicators)
is a leading online supplier of technical
futures and trading signals systems with charting and analysis
of 51 futures markets, free Java charting, portfolio analysis
and more!
- Decision Point - daily market indicator charts and
historical charts as far
back as 1926
- .
- Scale Trading - is a method of buying and selling
commodity futures. When the fundamentals are favorable and the
price of a commodity is in the lower third of its multi-year
range, futures contracts are bought. They are accumulated as
prices go down and sold as prices rise.
- ChartTracker - Each week, via email, you are provided technical
analysis of stocks or commodities that YOU choose plus our analyst
"HOT" stock and commodity picks of the week.
- Intraday Dynamics - has been serving the professional
trading community since 1986. Used by floor traders, cash-traders
and hedgers, money managers, account executives, CTAs and investors
the world over.
- Stock Market Forecaster - Simple short-term stock market timing
system using index funds to generate excellent returns. Free
daily signals. Now you can profit in all market conditions.
- Precision Trading Membership - Each weekend, via email, you receive
the report which provides you with the date the individual markets
are expected to make a top or bottom (basis daily price action),
as well as when to expect a weekly top or bottom which could
be a few weeks away.
- Forexia - daily foreign exchange analysis, forecasts and
- Random Walk Investing - espouses the Random Walk Investing
method of selecting stocks. This method is based on statistical
analysis of long-term stock trends and fluctuations. Visitors
can learn about Random Walk Investing and see past results of
selected stocks.
- Select Timing Service (STS) is a short-term high-performance
mutual fund switching system for Fidelity Select mutual funds.
- FuturesTech - technical analysis of hogs, cattle and feeder
cattle; corn, wheat, soybeans, soybean meal and soybean oil;
U.S. Treasury Bonds, Standard and Poor stock index futures, Dow
Jones stock index futures. Methods of analysis include moving
averages, pivot points, Fibonacci, charts and cyclcs.
- Market Edge - is like having your own technical research department
on call. You receive unbiased, computer generated comments and
recommendations on 5,000 stocks in minutes a day. Home to "Second
- Market Cycles - curvilinear envelope/cyclical analysis
of stock indexes, group indexes, foreign currencies, international
stock indexes, commodity futures and spot commodities, including
the base metals on the London Metals Exchange.
- The Plan - a step by step daily plan to make a profit by
trading the Japanese yen. 78% success rate. Contact name: Najib
- E-mail: Najib@yenman.com
- Chuck Le Beau's System Trader Club - is devoted to the systematic trader,
creating profitable trading systems. We provide a forum to exchange
ideas with other traders, periodic instructional bulletins, a
free bond system with documented performance, and economically
priced systems for sale, all with full documentation and logic
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