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Internet Privacy Statement

Keeping your personal information secure and ensuring your understanding of how we use that information is important to us at Futuresweb.Com. Our goal is to help you understand how the personal information you choose to share with us through this site is used and maintained.
You can visit this site to read about our firm, its products and services, or award winning research, get up-to date market news, quotes, check for career opportunities, use any of our features, all without giving us any personal information about yourself. We do use cookies on this website.
Some of the features on our site require registration before you can use them. If you register, then you choose to provide us with certain personal information such as your name, address, and telephone number, or if you are a Client your account number. After you have registered, you can choose to create and save, change or delete personalized data that you enter on the site's calculators, quote sign-up, information request and other features. You may also change your password at any time.
The personal information you provide and the personalized data you create and save on the site is used to provide superior service to you and to inform you of products, services, or other opportunities that may be available through our firm or our affiliates. We may also use the information to register your product as well as inform you about new products, services, and other offers that may be of interest to you. Such information and data will also be used to administer our business, the site, and our services in a manner consistent with the Terms of Use that govern your use of this site as well as all applicable laws, rules, regulations, or other legal obligations.  If you provide us with your e-mail address, or have done so in the past, we may upon occasion send you e-mail. E-mail sent to us through the site will be maintained in a manner consistent with our legal and regulatory requirements regarding client and public communications.
We maintain your personal information and data according to strict standards of security and confidentiality as described in the Terms of Use that govern your use of this site. Online access to your account portfolio is only possible through a secure (SSL capable) web browser. SSL capable web browsers support encryption technology, which helps prevent unauthorized users from viewing your account information as it travels over the Internet.

This privacy statement does not supersede the Terms of Use that govern your use of this site. Any conflict between the two shall be determined in favor of such Terms of Use. Futuresweb.Com may change this statement at any time. Any changes or updates will be effective immediately upon posting to this site.

All materials on this site, including without limitation, "look and feel" attributes and text are � by Futuresweb.Com All Rights Reserved. "Futuresweb" is a Registered trademark of Futuresweb.Com  Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission is prohibited.